Sunday, December 15, 2013
HAPPY "HOWLIDAYS" from the Shelter!!! Actually, all the dogs and cats are quite happy that it has warmed up a bit today. The dogs, especially, are hoping that it will be warm and dry enough tomorrow so they can get outside for a few hours! Poor babies have been cooped up inside the shelter for more than a week now because of the ice and snow.
If you're trying to find the perfect gift for the animal lover on your list, Good Shepherd has several suggestions at prices to fit almost any budget.
1. Have family or friends looking to adopt a new pet, but can't quite decide? How about getting them a "Gift-a-Pet" certificate for Christmas? Purchase a gift certificate for a pet between now and Christmas Eve, and you get 25% off the purchase price. The certificates are good for one year, and your pet-loving family or friends will be able to browse and choose the perfect new addition to their own family!
2. Interested in making a gift donation in honor of a friend or family member who's a bona fide pet lover? We have lovely certificates that will acknowledge your generous gift that you can place in a card under the tree or in a stocking. It's a winning idea for you, for the recipient animal fan, and for the dogs and cats of the Good Shepherd Humane Society.
3. Purchase a gift certificate for the Doggie Thrift stores. Again, you get the certificate for your friend or family member, they get the fun of shopping and finding great bargains, and your gift benefits the dogs and cats at the shelter . What better way to say "Merry Christmas?"
4. Visit either of our Doggie Thrift Stores. Tracellen, our wonderful store manager, has new items coming in every day. You can find lots of neat gift items, vintage and kitsch and everything in between. Your purchases at either store help support the animals at the shelter--and you'll be known as the savvy, environmentally aware gifter!!!
Don't forget--you can also give a gift of a spay/neuter to a friend who has a pet that needs altering. We can assist you with prices, so if you'd like more information, give the shelter a call.
Even with the crazy bad weather, we have had a couple of adoptions this month, but things are usually slow around the holidays. If you know of someone who plans to "buy" a puppy or kitten for someone for Christmas, please--respectfully--ask them to consider visiting their local shelter and saving a homeless dog or cat rather than supporting a puppy mill. We have lots of loving pets here at the shelter who are hoping that Santa brings them a forever family this Christmas. Maybe you can help?
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